What is this about?
One of the more complex questions I had to answer when I was growing
up was “so, where are you from?”. What made this question complex?
Well, more than anything it was the fact that usually the answer would
lead to a long speech on how I was born in one place, with parents who
were born in two other places, that I had spent most of my younger life
moving from one country to another.
“Where am I from?” I would say, “I’m a little bit from everywhere:”
The complexity of this question as a child gave me the biggest
opportunity as a grown up. The idea that one could be from anywhere
and everywhere was also my guiding line when I started my career. This
would be the way in which I would approach opportunities, look at job
openings and think of what I want to be over the years. My main purpose
was to achieve as much as I could with the fact that I could gather from
anywhere what I needed in order to push forward.
When I first started working in Venture Capital, I was, literally, a fish out
of water, having come from working in the Public Sector. I quickly came
to the realization and understood that the only way in which I can
succeed is to constantly keep learning and to not be afraid to ask for help
and guidance when I found myself in unknown situations, or confronted
with a task that was new to me. This enabled me to be able to, not only,
grow professionally but to also surround myself with mentors and
experts that allowed me to view the world, and the business, through
their eyes. I was able to move into new roles and take on new
responsibilities and to continue learning all the time. I credit these
mentors with enriching me with their knowledge which, on the other
hand, was always paired with my will to always be better.
Always being better is something that I continue to do, by challenging
myself all the time. I found this true not only in my professional life but
also in my personal life, where my biggest challenge was my
self-relocation to Italy four years ago.
It is this will that has now brought me to apply to the program at Hult
International. I feel that at this moment I could challenge myself to grow
further and that the professional tools and experience I have gained
throughout the years both in Israel and in Italy, from my military service
to my role as Director, needs an additional boost, this time in studies, to
allow me to be better and reach additional goals I would like to set for
myself in the coming years.
This website is dedicated to this journey. From the moment of acceptance, my personal "Crowd Funding" campaign and will follow me until I achieve the desired title of - Graduate!